An Honest Conversation with Four Social Media Strategists

An Honest Conversation with Four Social Media Strategists

Back in February, we hosted a live webinar panel with four certified Social Media Strategists. The conversation was led by Amy Jauman, SMS, and featured Katy Spencer Johnson, SMS, Amanda Andresen, SMS, and Ashley Hunter, SMS.  The discussion gave us insights into how...
Social Media Career Trajectories in 2022

Social Media Career Trajectories in 2022

Are you pondering a career in social media? One of the first things to consider is whether you are interested in a creative position or something more analytical and data-driven. The average workday between the two is liable to be a wildly different experience....
Influence at 20, 40 & 60

Influence at 20, 40 & 60

It’s amazing how many people tell me they feel like they aren’t heard by their employers. My 20-something students claim they are undervalued and overlooked for their potential and contributions. My 40-something friends talk about being passed over for promotions and...
Meet Social Media Professional & Professor, Margaret Stewart

Meet Social Media Professional & Professor, Margaret Stewart

Dr. Margaret Stewart took her Social Media Strategist and Instructor certifications through the National Institute for Social Media (NISM). Margaret is a college professor and researcher at the University of Florida (UNF). She is a consultant and trainer for Socially...
Your Social Media Career and the Value of Education

Your Social Media Career and the Value of Education

The evolution of social media from a tacked-on, part-time position to a full-fledged career is fascinating to see. It has grown in the past 10 plus years from being optional to an integral part of an organization’s growth and success. Job titles for the social media...