Skittles in the Rain: Social Listening Offers Unique ROI Opportunity

Skittles in the Rain: Social Listening Offers Unique ROI Opportunity

If a brand is going to spend advertising dollars, no matter how insignificant it may be to the overall advertising budget, isn’t it important to monitor? This case study highlights how one brand missed a potential opportunity by not engaging in an organically driven...
6 Tips for Mastering Real-Time Marketing During Real-Time Events

6 Tips for Mastering Real-Time Marketing During Real-Time Events

Real-time marketing is about tapping into an active audience on digital communication channels, like social media, during large-scale events and trending conversations. Big-name brands have huge followings on their social channels, and those fans and followers are...
#AllHallowsReadNISM: The Frightening #Fails of Responding on Social Media

#AllHallowsReadNISM: The Frightening #Fails of Responding on Social Media

As a social media manager at a big brand, in a regulated industry none the less, one of the things that has consistently kept me awake at night is how we provide our community with the customer service they need on social media. What if a member tweets us at 11pm on a...
Social Listening: Recognizing the Ways that We Listen Online

Social Listening: Recognizing the Ways that We Listen Online

A modern norm when beginning to establish a relationship is typically to connect online using social media. We meet someone and this person becomes a potential professional networking contact, new friend, or even a romantic interest. Before deciding to pursue the...