Valuable Social Media Tips for the PR Team

Valuable Social Media Tips for the PR Team

Having synergy with your PR team can maximize campaign success. In addition, social media channels can assist with public relations outreach.  Facebook: Use Facebook Live to create a monthly discussion series to showcase your brand’s influencers. Create Facebook...

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Significant Social Media Updates: Summer ’21

Significant Social Media Updates: Summer ’21

Being a social media manager means being on top of ever-changing trends, updates, and algorithms. We know it’s no easy feat to ensure that copy and graphics are perfect in addition to platform updates, so we’ve rounded up the most notable and significant changes by...

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Meet and Greet: Magdalena Schürmann

Meet and Greet: Magdalena Schürmann

Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories help shape our organization and the work that we...

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