Trends in Social Media Research and Analytics

Trends in Social Media Research and Analytics

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics A 2023 poll of business leaders found that over 90% of them believe their company’s success will depend on a strong business strategy informed by using social media data and insights effectively. Gaining those insights is critical...
Content Marketing Planning & Strategy Guidelines

Content Marketing Planning & Strategy Guidelines

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketing professionals and 70% of B2C marketing professionals integrate content marketing planning and strategy into their overall efforts. Marketers often describe content...
Case Study: Professional Association Content that Converts

Case Study: Professional Association Content that Converts

Photo by Daniele Franchi Social media marketing for any business is challenging, but for a business in the process of rebranding, maintaining its brand identity while integrating its diverse offerings can seem daunting.  Meeting that particular challenge is especially...
Mastering Social Media Project Management

Mastering Social Media Project Management

Photo by cottonbro studio Managing multiple campaigns across several social media channels can be challenging, and even further complicated with multichannel campaigns across several brands. Mastering the art of social media project management is not only critical for...
Social Media Governance Strengthens Your Online Presence

Social Media Governance Strengthens Your Online Presence

Photo by fauxels For many organizations, strengthening their online presence is critical for fulfilling their mission. With an ever-expanding online marketing sphere, adopting formal guidelines around social media governance should be at the forefront of business...