Social Media Showdown: A Customer-Restaurant Dispute Goes Viral

Social Media Showdown: A Customer-Restaurant Dispute Goes Viral

Photo by Muhammed Furkan Biroğul In the age of social media, every interaction can become a pivotal moment in shaping a business’s reputation. The recent experience of New York resident Trevor Chauvin-DeCaro serves as a stark reminder of how mishandling customer...
Navigating the Ups and Downs of Social Media Comments

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Social Media Comments

Image Source: Pexels   As of 2020, well over seven billion people were inhabiting the planet Earth … and over 3.8 billion of them used social media. Just let that number sink in for a minute.  There are few other platforms online, let alone any with any other...
How Messenger Can Boost Your Business and Customer Relationships

How Messenger Can Boost Your Business and Customer Relationships

When I was invited to work for the largest vacation rental online marketplace company, I joined forces with one of the most dynamic customer support teams of my career. The job came with the daily responsibility to uphold the company’s mission to provide...
Social Media and Customer Engagement

Social Media and Customer Engagement

You’ve heard time and again that your business needs to have a social media presence. But, figuring out what platforms to be on and what content to post is only half the battle. If you want to grow your business using social media, you’re going to need to be, well,...
5 Things to Consider When Choosing If a Chatbot Is Right for Your Organization

5 Things to Consider When Choosing If a Chatbot Is Right for Your Organization

We don’t have to go very far into the virtual world in order to find ourselves interacting with some kind of chat automation tool.  Chat apps subscribers continue to climb higher than social media app subscribers and with that there’s a surge in the need for brands to...