3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

Navigating social media can be a complicated task. It’s time-consuming, complex, and easy to get wrong. Too often, brands misunderstand the power of social media, leading to unpredictable and costly mistakes. They may under-utilize their platforms or overextend...
Navigating the Ups and Downs of Social Media Comments

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Social Media Comments

Image Source: Pexels   As of 2020, well over seven billion people were inhabiting the planet Earth … and over 3.8 billion of them used social media. Just let that number sink in for a minute.  There are few other platforms online, let alone any with any other...
What makes a goal SMART?

What makes a goal SMART?

As a social media marketing strategist, writing your goals is the foundation for ensuring that your strategic plan remains on track and is flexible enough to adapt to necessary adjustments along the way. There are several methods of how a goal can be designed and...
3 Keys to Employee Engagement

3 Keys to Employee Engagement

Whether your organization has ten employees or 10,000 employees, chances are you’ve heard of employee engagement or have thought about ways to help get your own employees more engaged. Engagement can take different forms– monthly employee lunch outings,...

Top 3 Social Media Tools of the Month – June 2014

Its time for our monthly round-up of social media tools that could help you to manage your organization’s social media efforts. In this month’s column we will introduce you to 3 tools that can help you to create and manage your organization’s social...