NISM 2016 Job Study Review

One of NISM greatest priorities is to actively listen to its audience. To become the best resource for our members and partners, we have to stay attuned to their needs and relevant to the trends of their workplaces. This is especially important in such a...

Post and Ghost

What’s better than sitting around a campfire trying to scare the daylights out of your friends? Have you mastered the art of leaving people wondering what just happened? Good for you – unless you’re doing it to your followers on social media. Post and Ghost While...

National Institute for Social Media Purchased by Two Education and Business Operations Veterans; New CEO Appointed

  National Institute for Social Media Purchased by Two Education and Business Operations Veterans; New CEO Appointed New CEO Jennifer Radke is seasoned executive within the education marketplace and one of the new owners MINNEAPOLIS – MAY 25, 2016 –– The National...

Excited for the Journey

When I started in the field of higher education over 15 years ago I had no idea the potential existed to build a company that would marry many of my passions into one career and organization. Today those passions and my background collide as I take over the role of...

Nashville: New Face, New Partnership

As the National Institute for Social Media (NISM) kicks off its partnership with Kaplan College – Nashville, we had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Rick Duvall, an instructor with both NISM and Kaplan College. Rick will be teaching the courses at the...