Trends in Social Media Research and Analytics

Trends in Social Media Research and Analytics

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics A 2023 poll of business leaders found that over 90% of them believe their company’s success will depend on a strong business strategy informed by using social media data and insights effectively. Gaining those insights is critical...
NodeXL: Identifying Powerful Connections on Social Sites

NodeXL: Identifying Powerful Connections on Social Sites

Have you ever wondered who or what really influences your followers on social media? There are a lot of metrics available – followers, likes, shares, comments – and they’re all subject to interpretation. What has the greatest meaning? And does anything you’re...
Social Media Management on a Shoestring Budget: Top 3 Skills for Success

Social Media Management on a Shoestring Budget: Top 3 Skills for Success

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience and grow their brand. Hopefully, that goes without saying. However, managing a successful social media presence can be challenging, mainly when you need...
Using Story Mapping to Improve Audience Experiences

Using Story Mapping to Improve Audience Experiences

Image Source: Pixabay Story mapping is integral to creating an unforgettable social media experience for your audience. Experts say that “In user story mapping, teams create a dynamic outline of a representative user’s interactions with the product, evaluate which...
Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

As a business owner, you’re most likely committed to scaling your company and watching it take on the level of influence you envisioned. Connecting with your current and potential customers is essential to achieving that company growth.  Advancing technology continues...