Because social media has become a marketing and PR must-do, everyone needs to become a content creator. This means learning new skills and honing existing ones. Everyone has to write better, take better pictures, and learn to curate. The latest must-do for 2017?...
A modern norm when beginning to establish a relationship is typically to connect online using social media. We meet someone and this person becomes a potential professional networking contact, new friend, or even a romantic interest. Before deciding to pursue the...
When faced with an opportunity to change industries after 15 years, my response to a potential employer was, “I don’t Tweet…is that going to be a problem”? At that time in my life I had utilized social media for recruitment and networking opportunities. I had also...
Starting a business is hard. With all the legal and money stuff, it can get overwhelming. On top of that you need be on social media, and there are so many choices out there. You have to figure out which ones will work best for you. For someone who loves to have most...
“When I grow up, I want to be in charge of community engagement for a vegan butcher shop!” My guess is, the number of people who have had this thought is approximately zero. So how do you go about fostering a culture around such a niche career? The answer is…...
There were several social media trends in 2016, including: Live streaming videos Snapchat stories Mobile optimization Faster real-time engagement More focus on social commerce Higher demand for organic content (keeping SEO in mind) Increase in video marketing Many of...