5 Steps for Professional Recommendation Requests

5 Steps for Professional Recommendation Requests

There has, most likely been a point in your life where you have either asked for or have been asked to give a recommendation. In the not so distant past, this was done in a paper letter format. In today’s virtual work world, recommendations are online with the entire...

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Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

In December 2006, Jay Geiger wrote a blog post that included a never-before-seen word: clickbait. The logic was simple — click referred to the click of a computer mouse while bait referred to something that lures in online users like a worm might lure in a giant...

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How Are Your Phone Skills?

How Are Your Phone Skills?

Does it sound too low-tech for a social media professional to talk about phone conversations in a virtual work environment? Not when you’re working to meet clients, coworkers, and team members where they are. You may find that connecting via phone is a welcome...

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Meet and Greet: Katy Spencer Johnson

Meet and Greet: Katy Spencer Johnson

Get to know Social Media Strategist, Katy Spencer Johnson! Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their...

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