Six Top Tips for Social Media Management

Six Top Tips for Social Media Management

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova   In his role as the social media strategist for Tufts University, Mark Daly oversees the school’s flagship and alumni social media channel strategy—with more than 330,000 followers across the combination of channels he manages. In 2022,...

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Celebrating Online Learning

Celebrating Online Learning

These days, it’s nearly impossible to find an individual who never has sat down to watch an educational video or take a course online. From training videos for new employees to motivational Ted Talks, our access to information is limitless, thanks to digital learning....

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How Live Streaming Contributes to Your Sales

How Live Streaming Contributes to Your Sales

Image credit: Pexels Live videos have become a massive trend in online retail. There are a few reasons behind this curious development. First, social media facilitates broadcasting in technical terms: it’s never been so simple to go live! Second, brands want to engage...

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Valuable Social Media Tips for the PR Team

Valuable Social Media Tips for the PR Team

Having synergy with your PR team can maximize campaign success. In addition, social media channels can assist with public relations outreach.  Facebook: Use Facebook Live to create a monthly discussion series to showcase your brand’s influencers. Create Facebook...

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Significant Social Media Updates: Summer ’21

Significant Social Media Updates: Summer ’21

Being a social media manager means being on top of ever-changing trends, updates, and algorithms. We know it’s no easy feat to ensure that copy and graphics are perfect in addition to platform updates, so we’ve rounded up the most notable and significant changes by...

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