Be Real about Social Media Strategist FOMO

Be Real about Social Media Strategist FOMO

Social media, digital marketing, and the strategies that we put in place for our brands, organizations, products, and communities are subject to change. This change can be data informed, tied to social media functionality changes, or audience focused pivots. So much...
Social Listening for Strategic Planning

Social Listening for Strategic Planning

“In the absence of social listening, strategic planning is under-informed or uninformed, and this can be costly for an organization’s time and resources.” Strategic planning is an essential cornerstone of social media strategy and connects an organization’s social...
Creating an Effective Social Media Marketing Campaign

Creating an Effective Social Media Marketing Campaign

Social media marketing isn’t just the future – it’s a necessary component of any successful marketing strategy today. If your business has any interest in attracting a younger demographic, creating an effective social media marketing campaign is essential.  It’s the...
Content Is Everywhere

Content Is Everywhere

Do you ever wonder how many photos you take a year on your phone? Here is some food for thought. According to data shared by Photutorial, it’s predicted there will be 1.72 trillion photos taken in 2022 and 92.5% will be taken by smartphones and only 7% with cameras....
Getting Inspired by Social Listening

Getting Inspired by Social Listening

“Even when you love social listening, you find those moments where you are tired or and want to take pause, or you feel like it can be the task that you put off for another day.  And one that never comes unless it must, unfortunately. Social listening is really no...