Before You Re-Tweet: Copyright Pitfalls for Social Media Users and Practitioners

Before You Re-Tweet: Copyright Pitfalls for Social Media Users and Practitioners

Given the constant need for content and eye-catching visuals, it would be nearly impossible for social media practitioners and users to create every bit of content from scratch.  However, one should use caution when appropriating others’ works – whether visual or...
Building Alliances with Strategic Social Media Partners

Building Alliances with Strategic Social Media Partners

The adage, it’s easier to accomplish more with others certainly holds true across business, especially in social media campaign planning and implementation.  The social media professional is working alone or as part of a larger internal team to craft messages about...
The Value of a Like for Your Brand

The Value of a Like for Your Brand

As a Marketing Director, I used the “Like” counts on our company social media posts to measure the power of the content shared on Facebook and Twitter. But does that really measure what we think it does? How do you measure a Like? Does a Like lead to a relationship...
Why You Need A Content Marketing Strategy for your Brand

Why You Need A Content Marketing Strategy for your Brand

Without compelling content, it’s tough to get your business out there. Bill Gates coined the term “Content is King,” back in 1996 meaning that the whole point of content marketing is to increase visibility to attract your audience to your website as many times as...
Tell Your Story with Brand in Social Media

Tell Your Story with Brand in Social Media

Content Planning with a Brand Lens Like a brand, great social content takes work. There’s a lot that goes into planning each and every post on a social media platform. The American Marketing Association defines brand as “A name, term, design, symbol, or any...