Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

In December 2006, Jay Geiger wrote a blog post that included a never-before-seen word: clickbait. The logic was simple — click referred to the click of a computer mouse while bait referred to something that lures in online users like a worm might lure in a giant...
9 Tips for a Dazzling LinkedIn Profile

9 Tips for a Dazzling LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile represents your personal brand. It is your personal story, a resume, and your personality, all combined into a compact social media format. In order to have your profile distinguish itself above the others, there are tweaks you can make. Keep in...
Adding Business Events to LinkedIn

Adding Business Events to LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s response to the success of Facebook Events is off to a strong start.  Adding events to LinkedIn allows the marketing strategies for businesses to connect and engage with customers in a new way.  In November of 2019, LinkedIn rolled out the ability for...
When Vanity Metrics Lead You Down the Wrong Path

When Vanity Metrics Lead You Down the Wrong Path

Vanity metrics…we’ve heard so much about them, and the good news is that a lot of recent buzz suggests that marketers are understanding the value of deeper insights in social listening. Platforms such as Instagram are talking about doing away with the like button, in...
What makes a goal SMART?

What makes a goal SMART?

As a social media marketing strategist, writing your goals is the foundation for ensuring that your strategic plan remains on track and is flexible enough to adapt to necessary adjustments along the way. There are several methods of how a goal can be designed and...