Are We All Safe Online?

Are We All Safe Online?

Through our partnership with St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, we meet extremely talented MBA students and social media marketing professionals. One of their assignments in our course, (no comma) is to blog on an area of social media that they found most interesting...
Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

In December 2006, Jay Geiger wrote a blog post that included a never-before-seen word: clickbait. The logic was simple — click referred to the click of a computer mouse while bait referred to something that lures in online users like a worm might lure in a giant...
When Vanity Metrics Lead You Down the Wrong Path

When Vanity Metrics Lead You Down the Wrong Path

Vanity metrics…we’ve heard so much about them, and the good news is that a lot of recent buzz suggests that marketers are understanding the value of deeper insights in social listening. Platforms such as Instagram are talking about doing away with the like button, in...
Influencer Marketing Trends You Should Keep an Eye On

Influencer Marketing Trends You Should Keep an Eye On

Business vector created by slidesgo  Research shows that more than 30% of marketers find influencer marketing effective in reaching target audiences and enhancing a brand’s reputation. Those are two of the major reasons why influencer marketing is such a widely used...
Why You Need To Consider Backing Up Your Social Media Accounts Now

Why You Need To Consider Backing Up Your Social Media Accounts Now

Over the past decade, social media has grown from an entertaining diversion with some business applications to one of the core elements of not only digital marketing but also business in general. Key contracts are won through Twitter discussions. LinkedIn chats can...