//', // data: { // action: 'apply_edu_coupon', // billing_email: email // }, // success: function(response) { // // Trigger checkout recalculation after the coupon is applied // $('body').trigger('update_checkout'); // } // }); // } // // // Apply debounce of 500ms for input event // var debouncedCheckEmail = debounce(checkEmailAndApplyCoupon, 500); // // // Listen for input event (debounced) and blur event (immediate) // $('#billing_email').on('input', debouncedCheckEmail); // $('#billing_email').on('blur', checkEmailAndApplyCoupon); // }); // // digital marketing - NISM Online - Page 13
Is There Value in Tagging Others in Social Media Posts?

Is There Value in Tagging Others in Social Media Posts?

Posting on social media has become a daily activity for many individuals and businesses across the globe. Often the goal is to engage or communicate with others. With this in mind, how do we know when to tag people or brands? And what’s the value of tagging others? ...
Meet and Greet: Rudy Vasquez

Meet and Greet: Rudy Vasquez

The NISM SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories help shape our organization and the work that we do here....
How to Reach More Readers Using Social Media and Publicity

How to Reach More Readers Using Social Media and Publicity

Book marketing and publicity for nonfiction authors can be overwhelming with the vast array of social media platforms. Many authors wonder how to use social media and worry they will do it wrong. Let’s address some basic dos and don’ts of using social media for book...
Meet and Greet: Erika Voeller

Meet and Greet: Erika Voeller

 The NISM SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories help shape our organization and the work that we do here....
Influencers are Losing their Influence

Influencers are Losing their Influence

Open Instagram and begin to scroll through your feed. How many organic posts made by friends or family do you see before you come across an influencer-sponsored post? Odds are you won’t make it very far, seeing as 93% of influencers use Instagram as their platform of...