3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

Navigating social media can be a complicated task. It’s time-consuming, complex, and easy to get wrong. Too often, brands misunderstand the power of social media, leading to unpredictable and costly mistakes. They may under-utilize their platforms or overextend...
Establishing an Online Community with Facebook Groups

Establishing an Online Community with Facebook Groups

Image source: Unsplash Gathering as a community. A concept we have not forgotten but have missed doing in the traditional sense during the Pandemic. Even before our lives were moved to an online or hybrid world, Facebook was providing ways to cultivate meaningful...
How Live Streaming Contributes to Your Sales

How Live Streaming Contributes to Your Sales

Image credit: Pexels Live videos have become a massive trend in online retail. There are a few reasons behind this curious development. First, social media facilitates broadcasting in technical terms: it’s never been so simple to go live! Second, brands want to engage...
Valuable Social Media Tips for the PR Team

Valuable Social Media Tips for the PR Team

Having synergy with your PR team can maximize campaign success. In addition, social media channels can assist with public relations outreach.  Facebook: Use Facebook Live to create a monthly discussion series to showcase your brand’s influencers. Create Facebook...
Three Ways to Create a Connection with Your Creative Team

Three Ways to Create a Connection with Your Creative Team

Being a Jack or Jackie of all trades is something that comes naturally to a social media professional. Our daily tasks could include creating posts, editing videos, and composing graphics. Some of us are lucky enough to be able to collaborate with a creative team....