5 AI Tools for Digital Marketing

5 AI Tools for Digital Marketing

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels You’ve had some time to consider whether artificial intelligence (AI) will take over your job. You've likely concluded that your job will be safe rather than AI taking over everything. Instead of focusing on the doom and terror of...

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Why Packaging Needs to be Social Media Ready

Why Packaging Needs to be Social Media Ready

Our mode of communication has become modernized because of technology. Most people spend the majority of their time monitoring their mobile phones and engaging in social media. Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp are some of the popular social media platforms. It shows...

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Social Media Marketing Tips for Introverts

Social Media Marketing Tips for Introverts

Image Source: Unsplash As an introvert, social media marketing is full of potential minefields and awkward interactions. You don’t have to talk to anyone in person if you’re not on video, but you do have to expend a lot of energy to schedule and maintain pretty...

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7 Great Tips for Writing Content That Boosts Sales

7 Great Tips for Writing Content That Boosts Sales

Image source: Unsplash We already know that content writing is the cornerstone of your digital presence and brand image. Writing quality content equals creating a reputable image among your target audience members who are your potential customers. This is because the...

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Where Selfies and Sales Intersect

Where Selfies and Sales Intersect

Photo by Sound On from Pexels If someone told you 20 years ago that you could make bucket loads of money and influence sales trends simply by taking a picture of yourself, would you have believed them? While the idea of taking a “selfie” or a self-portrait is a...

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Celebrating Online Learning

Celebrating Online Learning

These days, it’s nearly impossible to find an individual who never has sat down to watch an educational video or take a course online. From training videos for new employees to motivational Ted Talks, our access to information is limitless, thanks to digital learning....

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How Live Streaming Contributes to Your Sales

How Live Streaming Contributes to Your Sales

Image credit: Pexels Live videos have become a massive trend in online retail. There are a few reasons behind this curious development. First, social media facilitates broadcasting in technical terms: it’s never been so simple to go live! Second, brands want to engage...

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