Crash Blossoms: The Risk of Headline Ambiguity

Crash Blossoms: The Risk of Headline Ambiguity

Photo by Yan Krukau If you heard someone talking about crash blossom, you may assume it’s a new band. Or perhaps the latest in organic gardening? Or maybe you’re like me and wouldn’t even have a guess, so you’d just look it up!  Here’s what you’d learn: A crash...

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How to Set Your Social Advertising Budget

How to Set Your Social Advertising Budget

When creating social media advertising campaigns for a client, the top and often first question I receive is how much should be invested. The answer should never be the same for anyone. However, the way to an answer is similar. Just like in any situation where you are...

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Be Real about Social Media Strategist FOMO

Be Real about Social Media Strategist FOMO

Social media, digital marketing, and the strategies that we put in place for our brands, organizations, products, and communities are subject to change. This change can be data informed, tied to social media functionality changes, or audience focused pivots. So much...

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Social Listening for Strategic Planning

Social Listening for Strategic Planning

“In the absence of social listening, strategic planning is under-informed or uninformed, and this can be costly for an organization’s time and resources.” Strategic planning is an essential cornerstone of social media strategy and connects an organization’s social...

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My Mind is Full – How Can I Be Mindful?

My Mind is Full – How Can I Be Mindful?

Do you get overwhelmed by the daily work, struggles, and sheer volume of information in your job? Do you sometimes feel the urge to just go to a place where there is quiet, no internet, and no expectations? Oh, how wonderful that would be. Would be? How wonderful that...

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