To close out an amazing 2018, the social media team at Barracuda PR, in El Paso, Texas, dedicated themselves to additional training and certification. We are proud to announce that this fantastic organization recently became the first agency in Texas to achieve the...
The National Institute for Social Media (NISM) is excited to announce their first Social Media Strategist (SMS) certification course being offered on-ground in Tampa, Florida! The course will be offered in a blended online/on-ground format, with dates and times that...
People are always asking for video tips, so today, I have a quick list for you to reference as you get started. Lighting – Don’t Be a Shadow Human When you sit in front of a bright light, use a window as an example, the light coming from behind you will make you look...
For the last 6 years, I have worked with job seekers and small business owners on how to better build their online presence. I am continually surprised by how many people are nervous about Twitter, or who, like me in the beginning, didn’t understand the professional...
Recently the social media team members at Fourge Social became the first agency in Iowa to achieve SMS certification through the National Institute for Social Media. While there are many reasons for an agency to obtain certification and training for their team...