3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

Navigating social media can be a complicated task. It’s time-consuming, complex, and easy to get wrong. Too often, brands misunderstand the power of social media, leading to unpredictable and costly mistakes. They may under-utilize their platforms or overextend...
How Social Media Has Become a Priority For Real Estate Agents

How Social Media Has Become a Priority For Real Estate Agents

Image source: Unsplash Real estate agents are using social media to help homebuyers and home sellers now more than ever before. However, most of these agents are struggling to get the most value out of their social media efforts.  Recent research indicates posting on...
Significant Social Media Updates: Summer ’21

Significant Social Media Updates: Summer ’21

Being a social media manager means being on top of ever-changing trends, updates, and algorithms. We know it’s no easy feat to ensure that copy and graphics are perfect in addition to platform updates, so we’ve rounded up the most notable and significant changes by...
Three Ways to Create a Connection with Your Creative Team

Three Ways to Create a Connection with Your Creative Team

Being a Jack or Jackie of all trades is something that comes naturally to a social media professional. Our daily tasks could include creating posts, editing videos, and composing graphics. Some of us are lucky enough to be able to collaborate with a creative team....
7 Best Social Media Image Practices for Businesses

7 Best Social Media Image Practices for Businesses

The importance of images on social media cannot be understated. And with some of the fastest growing social media networks (Pinterest, Instagram) emphasizing images, consumers’ expectations are growing broadly.  Need proof? Posts with visuals see 2X more engagement on...