3 Powerful Steps in Utilizing Social Media to Land Your First Job

3 Powerful Steps in Utilizing Social Media to Land Your First Job

Photo By: Charles Deluvio You are fresh out of college, ready to enter the new and exciting job world but there is one issue: you don’t know where to begin. The job market can be a scary place, especially with no guidance. Getting started and finding your...
FTC Regulations You Should Know About in Advertising and Marketing

FTC Regulations You Should Know About in Advertising and Marketing

If you are an influencer getting paid for your testimony on a product, an advertiser trying to promote a brand or an affiliated marketer who is promoting a product or service, it is your responsibility to understand your limitations and be knowledgeable about what you...
Why Social Media is Important for Business

Why Social Media is Important for Business

Many people have the misconception that social media is only about marketing. The truth is that businesses are using social media for more than just marketing purposes. They are connecting with customers and establishing real-world relationships. One of the coolest...
SWOT Analysis: The Swiss Army Knife of Analytical Tools

SWOT Analysis: The Swiss Army Knife of Analytical Tools

Image from Pixabay “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  Abraham Lincoln knew the importance of researching and developing a wide context before important decision-making. So today, instead of worrying that our...
3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

Navigating social media can be a complicated task. It’s time-consuming, complex, and easy to get wrong. Too often, brands misunderstand the power of social media, leading to unpredictable and costly mistakes. They may under-utilize their platforms or overextend...