Is Your Content Appealing? Don’t Forget Strategic, Tailored, and Targeted Content

Is Your Content Appealing? Don’t Forget Strategic, Tailored, and Targeted Content

Photo by airfocus In the giant realm of social media, every brand and content creator is vying for attention. When someone new visits your profile, you have a small amount of time to impress and show them value before they either follow or click off. Making an impact...
4 Popular Social Media Marketing Tips That Just Don’t Work

4 Popular Social Media Marketing Tips That Just Don’t Work

Ever had a tip given to you about social media marketing that you thought would work perfectly, but in reality, didn’t work as you planned? It happens more often than you might think. Here are 4 popular social media marketing tips that just don’t work. 1. There...
Creative Commons: A.K.A. a Content Creator’s Dream Come True

Creative Commons: A.K.A. a Content Creator’s Dream Come True

As social media creators, borrowing content is a big part of the game. Looking back on the work I’ve created, some of it is completely organic. However, a large part of my content uses borrowed media to some extent. From photos to videos to music and more, I’ve had a...
Strategic Planning: What Is It Good For?

Strategic Planning: What Is It Good For?

Photo by fauxels Have you ever wondered what businesses and organizations use strategic planning for? The gist of these awesome plans is that they can lead to the success and growth of your brand. Who wouldn’t want that? Read on to learn more about the fundamentals...