Making In-the-Moment Content STICK

Making In-the-Moment Content STICK

Summertime, upcoming events, and an increase in outings mean one thing: more in-the-moment content for your social media pages! Content is everywhere so take advantage of these longer days, brighter colors, and warmer weather; this is what your audience wants to see!...
Social Media and Self-Care

Social Media and Self-Care

Self-care is a word you’re probably familiar with and chances are your version of self-care is different than mine. Maybe you’ve got a stressful job and self-care for you is meeting up with your best friend on a Friday night after work for ½ priced apps and drinks. Or...
3 Ways Social Media Can Help You Ace Your Interview

3 Ways Social Media Can Help You Ace Your Interview

Congratulations! You’ve landed an interview with a great company. Now the real work begins as you spend time researching the company and practicing behavioral interview questions. I’m sure you’ve heard that companies may look at your social media accounts to learn...