Changes to Continuing Education Credits

Changes to Continuing Education Credits

As we certified and then re-certified more and more social media professionals, we realized we needed to make a few updates to our social media strategist recertification process. As an organization committed to the training and certification of social media...

Forrest Flinn Meet and Greet

Forrest Flinn Meet and Greet

MEET AND GREET: Forrest Flinn INTRODUCTION Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories help shape...

Influence at 20, 40 & 60

Influence at 20, 40 & 60

It’s amazing how many people tell me they feel like they aren’t heard by their employers. My 20-something students claim they are undervalued and overlooked for their potential and contributions. My 40-something friends talk about being passed over for promotions and...

SMS Prep Course and a Busy Schedule

SMS Prep Course and a Busy Schedule

Is your schedule jam packed with work, family and other activities? Could you add even one more thing to your schedule? If you said no, I am here to tell you, yes you can. I know, because I just did and I have been making it work. Before I started the NISM Social...