//', // data: { // action: 'apply_edu_coupon', // billing_email: email // }, // success: function(response) { // // Trigger checkout recalculation after the coupon is applied // $('body').trigger('update_checkout'); // } // }); // } // // // Apply debounce of 500ms for input event // var debouncedCheckEmail = debounce(checkEmailAndApplyCoupon, 500); // // // Listen for input event (debounced) and blur event (immediate) // $('#billing_email').on('input', debouncedCheckEmail); // $('#billing_email').on('blur', checkEmailAndApplyCoupon); // }); // // learning - NISM Online - Page 5
Math 2.0 Day: Celebrating Math and Innovation on July 8th

Math 2.0 Day: Celebrating Math and Innovation on July 8th

July 8th is Math 2.0 Day – and it’s our opportunity to recognize that the world today runs on math and numbers! Social media professionals will be the first to tell you that without math, it would be incredibly difficult to have meaningful conversations with our...
Proving the Value of Your Continuing Education

Proving the Value of Your Continuing Education

As the National Institute for Social Media continues to grow and an increased number of educational opportunities appear in the social media space, certified Social Media Strategists (SMS) are more often finding themselves wondering, “Does this count as continuing...
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: Continuing Education for Digital Marketers

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: Continuing Education for Digital Marketers

Things change and so must we! In this ever changing, ever growing, technology-driven world, it’s important for digital marketers to stay informed and up-to-date of the latest trends, tips, tactics, and techniques to better serve our clients. What may have worked two...
Embrace User Generated Content and Hit the Sweet Spot Between the Customer and the Brand

Embrace User Generated Content and Hit the Sweet Spot Between the Customer and the Brand

Content marketing has matured and I’ve committed to learning more about it this summer.  We’ve passed the phase of sharing brand generated content and developed to a model that is focused on data and analytics. As the backbone of a digital strategy, data puts the...
I Will Survive – A Song, Compliance, Governance and How the European Union Ruined my Summer – or not?

I Will Survive – A Song, Compliance, Governance and How the European Union Ruined my Summer – or not?

I am sure if I were to hum the tune of “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor you would all be able to join in. Oh come on, let’s try it just for the fun of it….See, you can do it! As I was riding in my car home from work the other day the song was playing on the radio....