3 Ways To Create More Authentic and Meaningful Social Media Posts

3 Ways To Create More Authentic and Meaningful Social Media Posts

It’s difficult to imagine a business without a solid social media strategy. Social media is such an important part of the digital marketing sector that some companies rely on it far more than traditional advertising methods.  However, it’s not enough to put together a...
Make the Most of ‘National Day of’ Content

Make the Most of ‘National Day of’ Content

On this day (8.30.22) it is National Beach Day, National Grief Awareness Day, and National Toasted Marshmallow Day. In addition, August is National Dog Month, Black Business Month, International Peace Month and about twenty other things. Wow! Who knew there were so...
Content Is Everywhere

Content Is Everywhere

Do you ever wonder how many photos you take a year on your phone? Here is some food for thought. According to data shared by Photutorial, it’s predicted there will be 1.72 trillion photos taken in 2022 and 92.5% will be taken by smartphones and only 7% with cameras....
Set Your Small Business’ Social Media on Autopilot

Set Your Small Business’ Social Media on Autopilot

We all know that to get big business these days, we need to be super active on our social media accounts. This can be time-consuming and often expensive for small businesses, especially when you run the business solo or have a small budget. Here is how to set your...
Where Selfies and Sales Intersect

Where Selfies and Sales Intersect

Photo by Sound On from Pexels If someone told you 20 years ago that you could make bucket loads of money and influence sales trends simply by taking a picture of yourself, would you have believed them? While the idea of taking a “selfie” or a self-portrait is a...