Social Media and Customer Engagement

Social Media and Customer Engagement

You’ve heard time and again that your business needs to have a social media presence. But, figuring out what platforms to be on and what content to post is only half the battle. If you want to grow your business using social media, you’re going to need to be, well,...
7 Things to Consider Before Collaborating with a Social Media Influencer

7 Things to Consider Before Collaborating with a Social Media Influencer

The rise of social media influencers is expected to grow over the coming years. This isn’t surprising given how the marketing landscape has changed. 36Ad-block usage is expanding. Banner blindness persists. And just about every commercial out there isn’t connecting...
Vanity Reporting: Feeling Good Doesn’t Get Results

Vanity Reporting: Feeling Good Doesn’t Get Results

What looks better to share with the leadership team? “This month we had 10 new followers on our Facebook page” or “This month we increased our Facebook audience by 25%”? Of course the latter option looks better, so you may be inclined to use that in your monthly...
Actionable Metrics

Actionable Metrics

A large part of using and managing social media is the use of metrics. Organizations use metrics as a way to track their KPIs, or for celebration when they hit a particular milestone, like 1,000,000 followers. A good social media strategist knows that there are...
The Future of Work: Top Marketing Tech Skills

The Future of Work: Top Marketing Tech Skills

Technology has taken over many industries, including Digital Marketing. Companies have to reach their audience on the platforms that they spend the most time on. For instance, a couple of decades ago, it was television, but today everyone is always on one digital...