6 Tips to Help You Further Your Brand on Social Media

by | Feb 7, 2018 | EduSocial Blog, Strategy, Tools, Uncategorized | 1 comment

To really stand out on social media, your business has to do more than fill your platforms with product stats and bland content. Customers want to connect online through stories that feel authentic and unique. They want you to engage with them. They want to see uplifting and positive content. Here are 6 tips to help you build your brand on social media.

Maintain content calendars

Creating fresh content — either on your blog or other platform — is a great way for your brand to establish itself as an industry leader. A content calendar  is a document that shows what will be posted on what date, channel and time. At a glance, you can make sure that all your messaging is reinforcing your values and mission. Even though you’re probably using multiple channels, each one of them should be consistent with your brand.

Create authentic (and brief!) content that speaks to your target market

Even if a customer buys a product or service from you in-store or online, they won’t necessarily engage further if you don’t give them something to talk about. Create content that sparks discussions, encourages questions and empowers action. Effective content can help you become the industry expert and will help build — and nurture — customer relationships. But keep it brief. Your customers are already inundated with information; they don’t want to read long-form copy that’s hard to understand.

Respond in real-time

Scheduling tools for social media posts are great, but don’t forget to check each account a few times a day. Answer any questions customers may have, start interesting conversations and authentically reply to any complaints. Customers don’t want to feel like a number, so make sure you’re listening — and responding.

Track analytics

Track the statistics you’re seeing by using free tools like Google Analytics, Twitter Analytics and Facebook Insights. You can track elements like visitor bounces (when a visitor views only one page before leaving your website), clicks (each time a user clicks on a hyperlink from one page to another), and impressions (this is counted each time a new piece of content is loaded into a browser).

Collaborate with competition

Find a brand that you think is doing a great job. Instead of copying them, collaborate. Reach out, ask questions and gather knowledge. Offer a trade of products or services. Don’t be afraid to work together.

Don’t do it all

Pick one or two platforms and really shine. Figure out what your customers are interested in and engage them. Track analytics so you can find ways to keep improving your game plan. And when you’re utilizing your social media platforms, remember that your brand is the human aspect you bring to your organization.


Author: Maggie Sonnek

Maggie Sonnek is a freelance writer based in Southeastern Minnesota. She started Mill City Creative, a content marketing agency, in 2016. A mom to three little ones and wife to an elementary school principal, she loves drinking tea out of homemade mugs and exploring the Driftless region.

1 Comment

  1. Social Growr

    Social media is the blessing for every business. With the help of social media you can build you brand, track the analytics, create the authentic content to target the market, respond to your customers in a real-time and collaborate with competitions. The customers can connect online through authentic and unique stories and engage with them.

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