Actionable Metrics

Actionable Metrics

A large part of using and managing social media is the use of metrics. Organizations use metrics as a way to track their KPIs, or for celebration when they hit a particular milestone, like 1,000,000 followers. A good social media strategist knows that there are...
Lessons Learned: To bot or not to bot?

Lessons Learned: To bot or not to bot?

It’s been just over 2 1/2 months since we launched a chatbot on our institutional website. Now I’m not here to sell you on whether or not a chatbot is right for you and your business or institution – that’s an answer that can only be found within your own goals...
Meet and Greet: Jenny Monzon

Meet and Greet: Jenny Monzon

Get to know Social Media Strategist, Jenny Monzon! Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories...
How to Incorporate Reddit Into Your Social Media Strategy

How to Incorporate Reddit Into Your Social Media Strategy

The Internet is huge, that much is a given. And the opportunities to reap it for marketing purposes are painfully obvious. Given that it’s teeming with millions of people that just a few years ago had an annual spending capacity of $61,224 on average, it’s practically...
Adding Business Events to LinkedIn

Adding Business Events to LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s response to the success of Facebook Events is off to a strong start.  Adding events to LinkedIn allows the marketing strategies for businesses to connect and engage with customers in a new way.  In November of 2019, LinkedIn rolled out the ability for...