Laws regarding defamation were created long before the internet was invented, thus causing a plethora of problems for judges trying to apply decades-old law to modern-day dilemmas. It is dysfunctional, creating a grey area when it comes to social media and defamation....
Over the past few years, short-form videos are in and longer content is out. Due in large part to the growth of TikTok, social media users have grown accustomed to videos that are sixty seconds or less. In July of 2021, YouTube launched their own version of this with...
Regardless of what you may have thought before, social media marketing is more important than ever. People underestimate the importance of social media management and social media today since they believe they can live without it, only to find out later that they...
Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda Are you starting a business—or trying to grow one—and feeling stalled? It may be time to connect with someone who could be a brand ambassador—or several ambassadors, if you believe in the old saying, “the more the merrier.” Before you...
Photo by KoolShooters You’re a busy social media professional, and through your efforts, your company page has gained numerous dedicated followers. People engage with your posts and want to connect with you. Why, then, should you try to get a story using traditional...