SMS Prep Course and a Busy Schedule

SMS Prep Course and a Busy Schedule

Is your schedule jam packed with work, family and other activities? Could you add even one more thing to your schedule? If you said no, I am here to tell you, yes you can. I know, because I just did and I have been making it work. Before I started the NISM Social...
Live Streaming Video: the 2016 Social Media Trend that Exceeded Expectations

Live Streaming Video: the 2016 Social Media Trend that Exceeded Expectations

There were several social media trends in 2016, including: Live streaming videos Snapchat stories Mobile optimization Faster real-time engagement More focus on social commerce Higher demand for organic content (keeping SEO in mind) Increase in video marketing Many of...

NISM SMS Certification: Why I Jumped In

Dear Diary, oh wait not that kind of journal! This is the story of my journey to Social Media Strategist Certification. The reasons for taking this course and the certification exam are many. I could go on and on. In this series, I will give some insight into why I...

Inside Out: Consulting Tips from Roberto Blake

In February of 2017, we had the pleasure of sitting down with YouTube expert Roberto Blake to talk about the then hot topic of PewDiePie’s separation from Disney and Google. As we talked, Blake shared amazing insight into how he connects with the clients he supports....

Creative Commons: What It Is and How It Can Benefit You

So, you just wrote a great blog post or made a video and now you need something else to spruce it up. Where do you go? Can you use any old image or song you find on the web? Probably not. So many people make the mistake of using what they can find easily and this is...