Watch Out Facebook: 5 New Ways Students Will Connect In 2014

Facebook is still a popular website and the preferred way that students connect with one another, both in school and for their own social life. Facebook is used to communicate information learned in school, discuss upcoming school projects, and provides students with...

Why Social Media Is Important In Your Office

You can’t avoid it; social media is a part of modern everyday life and if you choose to ignore it you may find yourself on the outside of everything. Your colleagues will expect you to use it, your customers will and it’s essential for any business to be part and...

Companies Maximizing Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media is more than just LOLCats and posts about political cartoons. It’s more than who’s having a baby and who just got new shoes. It’s not just pictures of family and pets. It’s a vital tool for business to promote and grow their brands...

5 Important Reasons Why Professionals Should Invest More Time In Their Online Presence

It’s not easy being a high profile professional in the age of social media and rating apps. Let’s be honest; after a fifty-hour work week (if you’re extremely lucky), who wants to spend time worrying about what your online presence is like? Any free...

Why Your E-Commerce Website Needs a Pinterest Page

The social media picture sharing site Pinterest is on the rise these days. It’s just hitting the point now where online businesses can make real strides by taking advantage of it. This is because it’s right at the sweet spot between still being new enough to get...