Taking a certification exam can be stressful and rightfully so! You are undertaking an important step in adding to your credentials and shouldn’t be taken lightly. This may be the first test you’ve taken in years or the most challenging exam you’ve ever prepared for....
Has it been a while since you have taken an exam? Do exams make you nervous or anxious? Prepping for and taking exams can stir up all kinds of feelings and emotions for some of us. I know that I get anxious when I have a test on the horizon. I just recently took my...
So, the prep course is over and I survived the six weeks. It was a busy six weeks for sure, but I am so glad that I took the course, learned some new things and brushed up on some old skills. You might be wondering what comes next? If you took the prep course because...
As the social media industry grows, so to has the number of organizations who offer social media training as part, or all of their business. These organizations may or may not be providing a high quality training program, and the organizations who pay for the training...