Meet and Greet: Teri Kojetin

Meet and Greet: Teri Kojetin

Every day we all play a part of different mini communities – work, hobbies, family, faith, school, neighborhood, friends – but often we limit ourselves in terms of professional communities outside of our co-workers.  One of the goals at the National Institute for...
The Heart of Community Management

The Heart of Community Management

“When I grow up, I want to be in charge of community engagement for a vegan butcher shop!” My guess is, the number of people who have had this thought is approximately zero. So how do you go about fostering a culture around such a niche career? The answer is…...

What Are Some Good Practices In Customer Service In This Social Media-Obsessed World?

We’ve all heard the adage, the customer is always right. No matter what industry you’re involved with, if you have customers, you need to have a way to make them happy at all times. This is due in part to the amount of power a customer has these days....

5 Ways To Find Social Influencers

As more businesses begin to make use of social media to engage and interact with customers and potential clients, the challenge lies in developing and implementing a social media approach that produces real value. With more and more individuals turning to social media...

Using Customer Reviews as a Marketing Tool

There’s a lot of rhetoric on the Internet concerning what the best way to market your business is online. Additionally, there are many people talking about more straight forward techniques for marketing like email campaigns, text campaigns, and so on. But people...