Why don’t bloggers use APA citations?

Why don’t bloggers use APA citations?

Recently, I was explaining how bloggers reference sources and was asked, “If acknowledging the original contributor is important, why don’t bloggers use citations like we all had to do in high school and college?” That’s a good question, isn’t it? When blogging was...

Inside Out: Consulting Tips from Roberto Blake

In February of 2017, we had the pleasure of sitting down with YouTube expert Roberto Blake to talk about the then hot topic of PewDiePie’s separation from Disney and Google. As we talked, Blake shared amazing insight into how he connects with the clients he supports....

The Business of YouTube: An Interview with Roberto Blake

When YouTube’s biggest star gets dropped by not one, but two, major affiliates, social media strategists around the world are wondering what this means for us – our brands, our videos, and the freedom we’re afforded on social media platforms.

Thinking Outside the Classroom: Using Social Media Platforms to Engage Students

Registration is open for The Social Classroom! The course begins March 13th and runs for two weeks – a great opportunity to experience social media as a classroom tool first-hand while learning techniques you can use in your own environment. A teacher’s competition...

The UnTroll: Identifying Mistakes Without Being a Jerk

As Valentine’s Day approached this year, I began thinking about love and kindness – two things that are too often in short supply on social media. Why do so many people look so hard for opportunities to criticize others? Does the anonymity of social media – perceived...