Nick Rosener
Eric Lehnen
Last week, Nick and his co-author Eric Lehnen announced their first book: “Shout in the Right Direction: How to Target Your Audience and Amplify Your Voice on the Web.” It is a great addition to your reading list.
A refreshing, easy to follow guide to creating and implementing a social media marketing plan, this book breaks down the steps you need to identify and target your audience on social media in order to make every “shout” count. It should really get small business owners thinking about their marketing strategy in a clear and precise manner. Practical examples and basic definitions add to the quality of this resource.
Struggling with reaching your audience? Or feel like no one is listening to the great things you have to share? Check out this new book! You can find it on Amazon and Kindle. Here are a couple of reviews that we received from folks in attendance at last week’s launch party! Congratulations Nick and Eric!
“Time. A precious commodity for any business or non-profit organization. You need to invest it in engaging with the right people to build your business or support your nonprofit organization. Nick and Eric walk you through step by step the marketing planning process to find and engage your target audience. Your time will be invested wisely by reading this book! “
– Laura Brandt, Fundraising and Communications Consultant
“This book is the perfect DIY marketing guide for any entrepreneur or marketing expert. I am so excited for Nick and Eric, and I’m honored to share in the excitement of the launch. It’s clear how passionate they are to be able to help even more small businesses succeed.”
– Dr. Katie Fahnel, D.C., Boday Harmony Chiropractic
To follow the conversation, check out #ShoutBook on Twitter. Already read the book? Let us know what you think in the comments.