Overcoming Limitations
by Amy Berger | Mar 12, 2019 | EduSocial Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments
I enjoyed reading and writing as a kid, but I didn’t discover my love for writing until I became an adult. I write for a living and remarkably, I didn’t decide I wanted to write a book until recently. Like really truly commit to writing a book. For some reason, I thought that I had to write something grandiose, something that would really knock people’s socks off. The truth is I can write whatever I want, whenever I want. The only person who can put limitations on me is me.
So, what does this have to do with social media and the work that we do here at NISM?
Have you been wanting to take that online class that can probably help you grow your business, but you’ve been putting it off? We have a great class for small business owners or those getting started in social media. Learn more.
Does our new webinar look interesting to you? Video Storytelling for Your Business
Well, what are you waiting for? Here are three ways to overcome the limitations you may have for yourself when it comes to accomplishing what you really want.
1) Take the first step
In my experience, the first step is usually the hardest, but it’s crucial to moving forward. When I was debating going back to school, I met with an admissions counselor, talked with friends and family who had gone to MBA school, read articles about how an MBA was an investment in my future. That first step helped move me along the path to getting my degree and embarking on a new career in the private sector. It was worth every step.
Determine what your first step looks like and get moving. You won’t regret it.
2) Connect with others
If you’re interested in a class or just want to learn more, set up a time to speak with Jen or Amy from NISM. Grab a coffee, send them an email. Ask them those questions you’ve been wanting to ask them in an environment you’re comfortable with. They’d love to tell you all about classes, curriculum, and the social media community.
Better yet, check out some of our SMS profiles right here on this blog. We’ve featured some of our SMS professionals and talked with them about how they use the new skills they’ve learned in their everyday roles.
3) Have a plan
So, let’s talk about your goal of getting SMS certified. Map it out. When can you fit an online class in with your work and family schedules? Is our self-study package a better fit for you? The overall plan might change, but take some time to reach your options and what is logical for you to do.
There you have it. I encourage you to work on overcoming your limitations and head down your new path.
Have you experienced this? We’d love to hear your stories.
Author: Amy Berger
Amy Berger is a corporate communications writer based in Minnesota. Previously, she spent over ten years working for state and federal government and brings a unique perspective of how best to utilize communication methods. She’s a big believer in evaluating communications strategies on a regular basis and finding new ways to deliver information. Amy has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Gustavus Adophus College and a Master’s in Business Administration from the College of Saint Scholastica.
Connect with her through Linkedin and Twitter @amykberger