How To Use Social Media To Help Non-Profit Organizations
by Eric Mills | May 23, 2013 | EduSocial Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments
If you run a non profit organization you might want to think about how you can build the profile of your organization. You might be surprised to learn that there are some great low costs ways to get the word out about your business that will not require you to make a huge investment. Even though you are not making a huge investment you will still get a large pay-off for your efforts making it worth your time to investigate what these options may be.
Social network help
To start with you might want to think about how you can use social networks to help propel the image of your organization. Social networks are actually a great way to start to spread the word about your company to other people. Most likely you already have a social network of your own, so this is a great starting point that you can slowly build on. It is very easy to spread the word utilizing social media so if you build your campaign properly you will be very surprised to see how quickly you can start to attract attention and build a solid following.
Build your social networks
If you are thinking of going this route it is best to start small and build a strong foundation. Therefore, instead of attempting to conquer all of the social networks at once, perhaps start by building a foundation on one or two of the larger social networks at a time.
It is easy to get overwhelmed with a social media campaign, so by starting small you will gradually build your own awareness of social networking and it will not feel so daunting to keep up with every network. If you start small it will be easier keep up versus attempting to suddenly integrate five to ten different social outlets into your life at once.
The pull of Twitter and Facebook
For instance, if you are trying to promote a non-profit organization for body donation to science you might want to first start with Facebook and Twitter. These are two of the largest social networks and chances are you probably are already well versed on how to use them. That will make it much easier to get started and it will likely increase the chances that you will keep up with them. In order to run a great social media campaign you are going to need to update or send out messages at least once a week if not more.
You also want to make sure that you start by building a strong profile. This is due to the fact that people are going to judge you by your profile therefore you need to make sure that it is strong enough to draw attention. In addition, when people search for your business the first place that many now turn is to the social networks. Therefore, you want to make sure that your profiles are complete so that they find the information that you want them to know. This is the best way to build awareness of your company in the way that you want.
About the Author
Patrick Roy is a social media strategist for a digital marketing firm. He blogs about social media campaigns and case studies.