Preparing for (any) Certification Exam

Preparing for (any) Certification Exam

Certification exams are different from tests you take at the end of a class because they are intended to measure industry expertise, typically developed with experience in a specific field. That means certification exams typically assess the test-taker’s...
The Calm Cure: A Prescription for Well-Being in the Age of Online Political Turmoil

The Calm Cure: A Prescription for Well-Being in the Age of Online Political Turmoil

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio As social media professionals, we’re on the front lines of the digital battlefield. We’re constantly bombarded with negativity, from angry trolls to heated political debates. Topics that might not have been the subject of heated...
Making Friends With Video: Ten Tips for Reel Success

Making Friends With Video: Ten Tips for Reel Success

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash Does the thought of appearing on video make you cringe? Do you typically use a still picture whenever you can get away with it if attending a meeting on Zoom? If so, you’re not alone. Although computer and phone cameras are better...
Social Media Etiquette: How to Navigate Sensitive Topics and Conversations Online

Social Media Etiquette: How to Navigate Sensitive Topics and Conversations Online

Photo by Alex Green It’s not uncommon to find varying opinions online, because social media has become an integral part of our lives. It’s where we connect with friends and family, share experiences, and engage in conversations that matter to us.  However,...
Keeping Your Social Media Accounts Safe

Keeping Your Social Media Accounts Safe

Photo by Ron Lach In an era where likes, shares, and hashtags are part of our daily lexicon, social media platforms have become more than just a means of staying connected; they’ve become integral to our digital lives. But as we scroll through our feeds,...
Hey Social Media Managers: Take a Break

Hey Social Media Managers: Take a Break

Social media managers are the unsung heroes behind the screens, juggling multiple platforms, campaigns, and audience engagements simultaneously. While it’s their job to be the social media champions for their clients or brands, they often forget to champion...