Photo by Olesksandr P. With the ever-increasing popularity and ubiquity of social media, popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram have become significant tools for many companies, particularly for social media project managers and their teams. In this day and...
Photo by airfocus In the giant realm of social media, every brand and content creator is vying for attention. When someone new visits your profile, you have a small amount of time to impress and show them value before they either follow or click off. Making an impact...
Photo by Karolina Kaboompics A 2023 poll of business leaders found that over 90% of them believe their company’s success will depend on a strong business strategy informed by using social media data and insights effectively. Gaining those insights is critical...
Let me set the mood. It’s a beautiful spring day on a college campus. But you are stuck at your desk. It’s your first week as a Social Media Specialist. Today, you will have your first meeting with your manager. You have a social media strategy drafted and...
As a business owner, you’re most likely committed to scaling your company and watching it take on the level of influence you envisioned. Connecting with your current and potential customers is essential to achieving that company growth. Advancing technology continues...