Trends in Social Media Research and Analytics

Trends in Social Media Research and Analytics

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics A 2023 poll of business leaders found that over 90% of them believe their company’s success will depend on a strong business strategy informed by using social media data and insights effectively. Gaining those insights is critical...
Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

As a business owner, you’re most likely committed to scaling your company and watching it take on the level of influence you envisioned. Connecting with your current and potential customers is essential to achieving that company growth.  Advancing technology continues...
Vanity Reporting: Feeling Good Doesn’t Get Results

Vanity Reporting: Feeling Good Doesn’t Get Results

What looks better to share with the leadership team? “This month we had 10 new followers on our Facebook page” or “This month we increased our Facebook audience by 25%”? Of course the latter option looks better, so you may be inclined to use that in your monthly...