Where Selfies and Sales Intersect

Where Selfies and Sales Intersect

Photo by Sound On from Pexels If someone told you 20 years ago that you could make bucket loads of money and influence sales trends simply by taking a picture of yourself, would you have believed them? While the idea of taking a “selfie” or a self-portrait is a...
Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

As a business owner, you’re most likely committed to scaling your company and watching it take on the level of influence you envisioned. Connecting with your current and potential customers is essential to achieving that company growth.  Advancing technology continues...
Businesses, Action Required. Facebook Analytics Terminated June 30

Businesses, Action Required. Facebook Analytics Terminated June 30

Just announced Facebook is set to terminate Facebook Analytics come June 30, 2021.  As it currently exists, Facebook Analytics is a free analytic tool, that Facebook users can access from their browser or the Facebook Analytics mobile app. Facebook Analytics is...
How to Gain Followers by Making Them Laugh

How to Gain Followers by Making Them Laugh

What does everybody love? The answer is laughter. If you can make someone laugh or smile, you will definitely get their attention – that is what marketing should be actually about. Nowadays, we see that humor on social media platforms is getting incredibly...