//', // data: { // action: 'apply_edu_coupon', // billing_email: email // }, // success: function(response) { // // Trigger checkout recalculation after the coupon is applied // $('body').trigger('update_checkout'); // } // }); // } // // // Apply debounce of 500ms for input event // var debouncedCheckEmail = debounce(checkEmailAndApplyCoupon, 500); // // // Listen for input event (debounced) and blur event (immediate) // $('#billing_email').on('input', debouncedCheckEmail); // $('#billing_email').on('blur', checkEmailAndApplyCoupon); // }); // // digital marketing - NISM Online - Page 14
Brands Just Want to Have Fun

Brands Just Want to Have Fun

I can only hope that upon reading the title of this blog you heard Cyndi Lauper crooning the undeniable jam that is “Girl’s Just Want To Have Fun.” But these crazy antics shouldn’t only apply to the hair-teased women of the 80s — the idea of letting loose and acting...
Improve your LinkedIn’s Curb Appeal

Improve your LinkedIn’s Curb Appeal

As a college student nearing graduation, the prominence of LinkedIn’s connection opportunities have not been lost on me. Like everyone else, I know that a solid LinkedIn profile is more important than ever to job seekers and hiring managers. But with more than half a...
6 Podcasts Perfect for Social Media Marketers

6 Podcasts Perfect for Social Media Marketers

Just last year, a majority of Americans said they never listened to podcasts. However, by the start of 2019, two-thirds of Americans listen to podcasts at least once in a while, including 23% who do so a few times a week. So why the sudden jump in popularity? It goes...
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: Continuing Education for Digital Marketers

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: Continuing Education for Digital Marketers

Things change and so must we! In this ever changing, ever growing, technology-driven world, it’s important for digital marketers to stay informed and up-to-date of the latest trends, tips, tactics, and techniques to better serve our clients. What may have worked two...
A Solid Strategy is What Takes Teams to the Super Bowl

A Solid Strategy is What Takes Teams to the Super Bowl

On Super Bowl Sunday the objective is clear. To score more points than the opponent and walk away with the trophy. Just like a business owner wants more customers, a medical office wants to be able to serve more patients, education institutions want more students and...