How to Reach More Readers Using Social Media and Publicity

by | Aug 6, 2019 | Strategy | 0 comments

Book marketing and publicity for nonfiction authors can be overwhelming with the vast array of social media platforms. Many authors wonder how to use social media and worry they will do it wrong. Let’s address some basic dos and don’ts of using social media for book marketing.

Don’t just make all your social media marketing be about your book. Your messaging needs to be about you as your brand, your business, your consulting, and speaking. 

Don’t just automate. It’s great to be able to automate your posts and schedule ahead so you know something is going out even if you’re not able to get to it that day. But if that’s all you do, it’s not enough. 

Do engage with your audience on social media. Engagement equals conversation. Spend time getting to know your audience, what they are interested in, what they want and need. Then you can really talk to them, asking questions, sharing valuable information that they need. When you focus on individuals and their needs, you’ll find your audience becomes your fans and promoters.

Do update your social media profiles. At least annually, review each of your social networks and make sure your profile is up-to-date. If your photo is from the 90s, it’s time to upload a new headshot. Make sure your bios and descriptions are current. Have you published another book? Be sure it’s listed in your profile with a link to it on Amazon.

Specific Social Media Book Marketing Strategies

Here are just a few of my favorite ways to use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for book marketing.

  • Publish articles on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. Write articles related to your book topic to showcase your expertise. It’s very easy. Include a link at the end of your article to where they can learn more about you – your website or Amazon author page. These articles can be seen by people who aren’t even connected to you. Be sure to follow up and reply to any comments made on your articles. Remember to view the analytics for your articles to see how many people are viewing them, liking them, and sharing them.
  • Create a Facebook page cover image that clearly shows the type of book(s) you write. The image can include the cover of your book(s) as well as a short text description of your topic. This area is what people see first so make it count. You can even change it from time to time – when you’re offering your book on sale or have a special event or speaking engagement coming up.
  • Write a tweet related to your book’s topic mentioning how your book addresses that topic and include a link to the book page. You should not explicitly state on every tweet “buy my book.” Your audience will tire of that and may stop following you. Instead, share valuable tips based on your book and your audience will follow the link to learn more.

Finally, let’s discuss publicity for your book. What is publicity? It’s getting the media to notice you and your book. The first thing to remember is to start early and clearly identify who you want to reach and why. Who are influencers in your industry you can connect with? What newsworthy events are happening that you can tie in with your book’s topic. Now you can create a press release showing how your book’s topic ties in with a newsworthy topic and send it out to the press. In addition to mainstream media, such as national TV and radio shows, consider starting local with your local newspaper or online TV and radio shows and podcasts. You’re more likely to get media attention at the local level and then can work your way up to the national level.

The best ways to get noticed on social media is to be social and have an authentic, giving presence. Once people learn that you share your expertise freely, they’ll want to check out your book. So, get to know your audience, find out what they need and want, then really converse with them and offer valuable information. View social media marketing as a long-term investment. Be in it for the long haul. Be creative. Be Social. Get Noticed.

Author: Sue Canfield

Sue Canfield is a social media consultant and has over a decade of experience in social media book marketing, publicity, and marketing consultation for nonfiction authors. She has helped dozens of authors create and maintain their social media presence. She writes about using social media to help promote your book at her blog at She’s also a published nonfiction author since 2009 and understands what it takes to market and promote a nonfiction book.


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