July 8th is Math 2.0 Day – and it’s our opportunity to recognize that the world today runs on math and numbers! Social media professionals will be the first to tell you that without math, it would be incredibly difficult to have meaningful conversations with our clients.
We have to start the conversation about the connection between math, innovation, and social media by talking about algorithms. They’re what make social media tick! Every platform runs off of an algorithm that works to make sure the users are seeing the content that’s most important to them. And what’s an algorithm? It’s a set of calculations constantly calculating what information should be seen by users.
Performance Metrics
How do we know when we’ve created an effective post? When we know we’ve created a great post, how do we compare it to other posts we’ve created or what our competitors have done? Social media professionals not only look at numbers like how many people were reached and how many engaged, they also look at percentages and relationships between measurements to best understand how a post is performing. It’s all math!
Arguably, ROI is a performance metric and could be included in the previous paragraph, but it’s so important to the social media strategist, we wanted to talk about it separately. Today, more and more people understand that social media marketing is an aspect of business worth an investment. But how much should a business invest? And what are they really getting for their money? Whether they are calculating revenue, influence, lifetime value of a customer or any other one of the more common social media measurements, they’re using proven formulas that inform healthy business decisions.
Social media professionals often have a combination of skills. Many are creative and grew up loving the arts. Others are persuasive and enjoyed studying psychology and anthropology courses. And some social media professionals love analytics – and that’s why we celebrate Math 2.0 Day. And this year, the National Institute for Social Media is celebrating for a full month before the big day.
How’s NISM celebrating?
Now through June 23rd enter the code mathday38 and receive 38% off anything on our website – including registration for our July 8th SMS prep class!
June 24th through June 30th enter the code mathday28 and receive 28% off anything on our website!
And for the first week in July, you can enter mathday18 and receive 18% off anything on our website!
And if your social media marketing team is interested in getting certified, contact Jen Radke at [email protected] for special Buy One Give One pricing for our July prep course. Make the most of your summer and get your team certified for half the normal cost!
How does math impact your use of technology?
Author Bio
Dr. Amy Jauman, SMS, is a speaker, professor, and certified social media strategist who bills herself as “an educator for the business environment.” She focuses on using social media, experiential learning techniques, and online resources to make information meaningful to adult learners in traditional and remote business and educational environments. In 2017, she authored the NISM textbook Comprehensive Field Guide for Social Media Strategists: Master the Six Content Domains of the SMS Exam and in 2018 published her second book, Certification Success: Create Your Personalized Study Plan, through Kendall Hunt Publishing. Amy has a master’s degree in experiential education and a doctorate in organization development. In 2013 she became a Certified Instructor through the National Institute of Social Media (NISM).
I use math when analyzing the social media metrics, and all across all of my other certification metrics reporting.