Instructor Highlight – Dr. Jennifer Pollard, SMS
by Jennifer Radke, SMS | Jan 4, 2018 | Instructors, Uncategorized | 0 comments
The team at the National Institute for Social Media (NISM) is excited to introduce you to one of our newly certified instructors, Dr. Jennifer Pollard, SMS. Dr. Pollard is an industrial an organizational psychologist and a developmental strategist who has worked with organizations and individuals to clearly communicate and connect expectations to results. She is focused on connecting people, profits, and perceptions using her communication, psychology, and business knowledge in adaptive and engaging coaching, consulting, and training. Jenn’s work includes instructing higher education courses, corporate training, managing conflict, coaching individuals, and guiding development and change. Her passions are in creating awareness and dialogue for psychological health and diversity as well as leading with authentic, transparent, and positive influence.
Jennifer, you have such a diverse background, what interested you in getting the SMS certification?
What interested me the most in getting certified was the effective, professional, and ethical aspects of business communications in social media. It was important for me to learn the right away to use social media in an environment that was more than just for personal use. Specifically as I started my own business, ConnecTTall Resource Group.
How has certification as a Social Media Strategist helped you in your career?
Certification has really developed my own career and business presence on the web. It gave me the confidence I needed to step into that space eloquently. I have made so many great connections…not only across the country, but across the world!
This month you are teaching your first course as an NISM instructor, what excites you most about teaching in this program?
I am so excited to be part of the NISM community and to spread the wealth of professional knowledge that certification can to provide individuals and businesses. The value of a certification over a certificate has been important to me and sharing that and what it entails is exciting.
What type of a professional would be the best fit for this course?
Any professional who wants to add a quality certification would be a great fit for this course! Small business owners, educators, consultants, and marketing students, teams, or professionals may find this course especially helpful and can use it to differentiate themselves in the social media and marketing realm.
If you had any advice to give social media professionals, what would it be?
I communicate a lot and recommend others do the same. Try not to assume that someone knows or understands your product, business, or services. Be sure to communicate consistently across many mediums, but also know where your core audience can be found. It might even surprise you!
Dr. Pollard is teaching an on-ground course starting 1/16/2018 at IPR Minneapolis. This course is designed for creatives who want to maximize social media to grow their business and see greater results. Don’t miss your opportunity to learn from this great instructor, register today.