Getting a Good Foundation for Your Social Media Strategy

Getting a Good Foundation for Your Social Media Strategy

Let me set the mood. It’s a beautiful spring day on a college campus. But you are stuck at your desk. It’s your first week as a Social Media Specialist. Today, you will have your first meeting with your manager. You have a social media strategy drafted and...
How To Reach Millennials Using Social Media Marketing

How To Reach Millennials Using Social Media Marketing

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Though many still consider millennials as a younger generation, they are actually in their late 20s to early 40s and were the first generation to access social media. As such, they are the most active generation on social media,...
Using Social Media to Reach Your Target Audience

Using Social Media to Reach Your Target Audience

Image source: Unsplash Businesses that utilize social media are nothing new. It’s estimated that 97% of Fortune 500 companies rely on it, but it’s just as effective for small businesses across the country.  While your business might already be using social media, the...
Using Story Mapping to Improve Audience Experiences

Using Story Mapping to Improve Audience Experiences

Image Source: Pixabay Story mapping is integral to creating an unforgettable social media experience for your audience. Experts say that “In user story mapping, teams create a dynamic outline of a representative user’s interactions with the product, evaluate which...
Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

Strategies for Reaching Your Target Audience

As a business owner, you’re most likely committed to scaling your company and watching it take on the level of influence you envisioned. Connecting with your current and potential customers is essential to achieving that company growth.  Advancing technology continues...