The Calm Cure: A Prescription for Well-Being in the Age of Online Political Turmoil

The Calm Cure: A Prescription for Well-Being in the Age of Online Political Turmoil

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio As social media professionals, we’re on the front lines of the digital battlefield. We’re constantly bombarded with negativity, from angry trolls to heated political debates. Topics that might not have been the subject of heated...
Hey Social Media Managers: Take a Break

Hey Social Media Managers: Take a Break

Social media managers are the unsung heroes behind the screens, juggling multiple platforms, campaigns, and audience engagements simultaneously. While it’s their job to be the social media champions for their clients or brands, they often forget to champion...
My Mind is Full – How Can I Be Mindful?

My Mind is Full – How Can I Be Mindful?

Do you get overwhelmed by the daily work, struggles, and sheer volume of information in your job? Do you sometimes feel the urge to just go to a place where there is quiet, no internet, and no expectations? Oh, how wonderful that would be. Would be? How wonderful that...
Battling Imposter Syndrome as a Social Media Professional

Battling Imposter Syndrome as a Social Media Professional

Since NISM brings together an international community of social media professionals who learn from one another in live webinars and virtual chats, it’s no wonder there’s one topic we see come up time and time again – Imposter Syndrome. Chances are you’ve clicked on...
Managing Your Mental Health While Working in Social Media

Managing Your Mental Health While Working in Social Media

There’s no denying social media marketing is an essential tool for businesses today. While family and friends may oversimplify the workload as just a matter of thinking up witty captions and posting pleasing photos, anyone who has strategically managed social media...