How Real-Time Marketing Improves Your Brand

How Real-Time Marketing Improves Your Brand

Image Source If you spend just one day on social media, you’ll likely see just how fast everything moves. Trends come and go in the blink of an eye, and opinions form and evolve rapidly. This can cause headaches for Social Media Strategists -- how can I plan my brand...

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How Social Media Shops are Taking Over

How Social Media Shops are Taking Over

Photo by Vitaly Gariev When was the last time you made a purchase on social media? The social media industry is changing and is never at a standstill, with its platforms constantly evolving and becoming a one-stop place for anything you need. Over the years, we have...

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Defamation And Social Media

Defamation And Social Media

Laws regarding defamation were created long before the internet was invented, thus causing a plethora of problems for judges trying to apply decades-old law to modern-day dilemmas. It is dysfunctional, creating a grey area when it comes to social media and defamation....

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Social Media Crisis Management Planning

Social Media Crisis Management Planning

Social media community management can be challenging and rewarding for brands looking to build their reputation. Balancing content creation and curation, posting, social listening, and engagement can positively impact brand efficacy in engaging its audience. When...

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